CONCERNAny skin type including dry skin, combination skin and oily skin can become sensitive if the skin barrier is damaged. Damaging external factors include over-exposure to the elements like the sun which leads to sunburnt, damaged, highly sensitive skin. Very cold weather which can dry the skin and make it feel flaky and sensitive, and using extra strong skincare products too often or too zealously. Sensitised skin is a very common skin condition which can be nursed back to health by the consistent use of calming, gentle products that support the skin microbiome and leave it hydrated and smooth.

What Is Rosacea?
If, like millions of others, you’ve been diagnosed with suffering from rosacea, you’re not alone. In the UK, it’s estimated that as many as one in 10 people suffer from the chronic inflammatory condition that can cause facial redness or the face to flush (AKA erythema) and flare up, particularly around the cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose. A rosacea flare up can occur in all skin types, but it is more often seen in those with fair skin. Severity can differ, as can types of rosacea and not everyone experiences all its symptoms, but some of these include chronic redness, irritated skin that is sore to touch, visible blood vessels, and broken capillaries, bumpy spots and pus-filled pustules (the latter is often called acne rosacea).

Common Rosacea Triggers
While no one factor has been proven to cause rosacea, there is some evidence to connect it with genetics, bacteria in the gut and the immune system, it is also connected with some types of pollution. Experts believe that these factors can cause issues in the blood vessels of the face, causing them to enlarge and be more sensitive. Sun damage has also been linked to the dilation of blood vessels, and a weakened skin barrier is believed to encourage irritants to enter the skin which causes free radical damage that may intensify inflammation and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Alcohol, stress, spicy hot foods, exercise, hot drinks and extreme temperatures can also lead to flare ups of rosacea symptoms.

Rosacea And Sensitive Skin
You’ll often find that rosacea and sensitive skin go hand in hand, and people who suffer from rosacea usually have sensitive skin, too. That’s perhaps not surprising as more and more people consider themselves to have sensitive skin (at least 52%, according to a recent European study). There’s not one but several types of sensitive skin. As skin is a reactive organ, it's constantly changing and can be affected by a variety of internal and external factors, meaning all skin can have some degree of sensitivity. How serious the reaction is will show how sensitive your skin is to any particular trigger. You might find some washing powders irritate your skin, while eating hot food doesn't cause any reaction.
The All-Important Skin Barrier
A strong and healthy skin barrier works to protect the lower layers of the skin from external aggressors such as the sun and pollution. Sensitive skin occurs when this function is weakened, and free radicals can penetrate the skin causing damage to the lower layers. As the facial epidermis is more delicate than other parts of the body, you’ll often find that the face is most affected. It is also usually the most exposed to potential triggers. These can include environmental damage, stress, chlorine, changing temperatures, dehydration, and hot water. Sensitive skin shares many of the same symptoms as rosacea and other dry skin conditions. You may suffer from blotchy skin, flaking, skin feeling sensitive to touch, tight and uncomfortable, textured skin, dry skin during winter and when taking flights, itchy and, like with rosacea, skin flushes easily after a hot shower, a spicy meal or drinking alcohol.