We’ve all been there; cupboards and cabinets filled with skincare products we bought many moons ago but haven’t got round to binning just yet. Different formulas will have different expiration dates, but one thing is for certain... all skincare products have a shelf life.
Can my skincare products expire?
In a word, yes. Products naturally degrade slowly over time even when stored correctly. Some last longer than others depending on the ingredients, preservatives in the formula and the way they’re packaged. If you’re suddenly getting itchy from a product you’ve had for a while it’s definitely time to let go and bin it!
How can you tell if your products have expired?
There is a way! Here in the UK, you’ll find a little tub and lid printed onto all skincare products, this is a PAO symbol (period after opening) and it typically has a 6m or 12m detailed next to it. Keep a note of the date you open your new product, then you can be sure not to keep using it past expiry.
How can I tell if there is no expiry?
Occasionally there’s no expiry PAO if products are from the US or elsewhere or if you can’t remember when you opened it. Use your senses to get an idea – is the smell a bit funky? The colour different? Sometimes expired products will separate, or the texture might change significantly.